
2.1 Record of acquitting AMEX Platinum card issued in the U.S.

   I tried to call AMEX desk to get an AMEX platinum card one day after arriving at the U.S. I will summarize the procedure in this article.

1     -  Call a person in charge of Global Transfer (Accessible from a personal account)

2      - Tell the person that you need “Global Transfer” clearly and would like to get a credit card issued at the U.S. using your credit history accumulated in Japan.

  The procedure looks very simple, but you may feel some hardship different from Japan when you get a credit card in the U.S. At the outset, international students like me, who are not workers, cannot get an SSN (Social Security Number), hence cannot get a credit card. There are some exceptions for this system, but as for AMEX, international students can get AMEX credit cards using the credit history if you have any experience of using AMEX credit cards.

   Also, as described above, you have to talk with an English native speaker on the call as the procedure of global transfer without SSN requires applicants to call the desk directly and does not allow them to apply for it on the website. In my case, a person who I talked first on a call, transacted my application by mistake and sent an email to request me of entering SSN information. Also, another telephone responder misunderstood my application as not to be global transfer but a typical application. These mistakes happened even though I repeatedly and explicitly said “My application is Global transfer” “I don’t have SSN.” As other applicants for AMEX Platinum said the same experiences, we have to confirm the conversation over and over in the U.S., and if the respondent says wrong things we have to confirm and modify these persistently.

   Applicants will be asked general things such as name, SSN, annual income, and assets so you can answer these questions without preparing something of papers handy. As far as I heard my friends’ experience, ordinary employees in Japan seem to meet the requirement of the Platinum card so you can apply for it at your ease. I called the desk three times, and my English was not good, it took me one and a half hours to complete the application. Although I felt it took a long time, the delivery of the card was speedy! I got the card, what!, in three days.

   I will explain the main characteristics of the AMEX Platinum card in the following article.


2.1 アメリカ版アメックスプラチナカード取得記録


1.       アメックスGlobal Transferの担当に電話する(マイページからもアクセス可能)

2.       “Global Transfer”であることを明確に伝えて、日本のクレジットヒストリーを使用してアメリカのクレジットカードを作りたいと伝える

 手続きは非常に簡単ですが、アメリカでクレジットカードを作るには日本とは違う苦労があります。初めに、私のような労働者でない留学生は、基本的にSSN (Social Security Number)を取得できないため、クレジットカードも作成できない仕組みになっています。これには一部の例外がありますが、AMEXに関しては、日本でクレジットカードの使用歴があるとそのクレジットヒストリーを使用してアメリカのクレジットカードを発行できます。

 また、上記の通り、Global Transferは電話での申請になるため、当然のことながら電話でネイティブと話さなければいけません。私の場合、最初にAMEXに電話した時の担当者が処理を間違ってSSNの申請リンクをメールで送ってきたり、別の担当者がGlobal Transferではない普通のクレジットカード申し込みと誤解して処理したりと大変でした。これは電話越しに何度も「Global Transferである」「SSNはもっていない」と言ってもそうなってしまいます。ほかのアメックスプラチナ申し込み者からも同様な話を聞き、やはりアメリカでは何度も確認をし、相手が間違ったことを言った場合にはすぐに確認をして訂正しなければいけません。




1.1 Introduction to Management Accounting

I finished taking an accounting class “Introduction to Management Accounting” at a business school where I have studied in the U.S. This class is about cost accounting, and covers Japanese cost accounting and industrial bookkeeping which many Japanese learn as the official business skill test in bookkeeping. Since I passed the 1st-grade bookkeeping test in Japan, I took the class with fundamental knowledge about cost accounting. However, I felt some difficulties in learning in the class because the class of the business school focused on how we can utilize its knowledge in real business situations.

-      - Cost accounting system is important in giving economic signals to decision-makers. Dropping off a division in red will transfer indirect costs to the other existing divisions, worsen that profitability, and increase indirect cost distribution ratio, resulting in the death spiral.

-      - Single cost pool makes its calculation easy, but generates a problem; cross-subsidization that part of indirect costs are allocated to not-relevant divisions. It is desirable to use relevant cost drivers.

-      - Quantitatively, high-quality cost accounting system can minimize both cross-subsidization and death spiral. Qualitatively, there are two problems, motivation problem, which triggers inter-departmental conflicts and impair the company’s profit, and coordination problem, which impairs usage of tangible or intangible assets at the right types, scales, places, and times. Decision-makers need to design employees’ compensation system and transfer prices to solve the two problems.


Throughout the past classes I took including the cost accounting, many Japanese seem to struggle to study in the U.S. because there are no “absolutely correct answers” for problems (I think that is very common sense). In Japan, all of workers and students tend to ask questions like ‘What is the correct answer?.’ And if the person to be questioned cannot answer them, all questioners think ‘you are not eligible’ ‘What an ignorant guy to make a question?’. I recognize that pursuing a perfect answer is on the right track, but the problem is the degree to which we pursue the answer and improve the accuracy. In this sense, there is a significant difference between Japan and the other countries. 


1.1 Introduction to Management Accounting(管理会計基礎)

現在通っているビジネススクールでManagement Accountingの授業が終了しました。この授業の学習内容は主にCost Accountingに相当するもので、日本では簿記検定の原価計算や工業簿記にあたります。私は大学院生の時に簿記検定一級を取得したので、ある程度の基本的な内容を理解している状態で授業を受けることができました。しかしながら、ビジネススクールで学ぶ内容は、それを実際にどのように生かすのか、に軸足が置いてあるので、簿記資格を持っていても難しい部分がありました。


・原価管理システムは意思決定者に経済的なシグナルを与える点で重要である。赤字を出しているという理由だけで部門を切り落とすと、間接費が存続部門に転嫁され、収益性の悪化、間接費率の増加というDeath Spiralに陥る。


・定量的には、Cross-subsidizationDeath spiralを最小にする原価システムが高い質をもっていると言える。定性的には、間接費配分などで企業全体の利益を損なう部門間の争いのようなMotivation problemと、適切な種類、規模、場所、時間で資産が使用されることを可能にするCoordination problemを解決するため、意思決定者は従業員評価制度、内部転嫁価格を適切に設定するのが望ましい。

